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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721




Prevalence and Factors Associated with Iron Deficiency Anemia among School-Age Children in Primary Schools in Burao City, Somaliland, 2020

DOI: 10.4236/ojbd.2021.113008, PP. 67-80

Keywords: Anemia, Associated Factors, School-Age Children, Primary Schools, Burao City

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Background: Anemia is a global public health problem affecting the majority of the population of the world in both developed and developing countries with major consequences on human health as well as social and economic development. It is the world’s second leading cause of disability of the whole global disease burden. It affects 1.62 billion (24.8%) of the population, among them, it is affecting 305 million (25.4%) school-age children (SAC). Objectives: The main objective of this study was to assess the prevalence and factors associated with anemia among school-age children in primary schools in Burao city, Somaliland, 2020. Materials & Methods: A school-based cross-sectional study design was done in four primary schools in Burao, Somaliland. About 285 school-age children in the age group between 6 - 14 years were selected with a respondent rate of 93.4%. Random sampling was used to select schools and systemic random sampling was used to identify children from the selected schools. Socio-demographic data was collected by using a questionnaire & interviews of respondents in addition to anthropometric measurements, hemoglobin measurement, and stool examination. Complete Blood Counting (CBC) was used to determine the mean corpuscular (kor-PUS-kyu-lar) volume (MCV) and hematocrit (HMC) levels to detect hemoglobin status of the children. Data was entered and analyzed using SPSS statistical software for Windows version 21. Anthropometric data was analyzed using ANTHRO Plus. Bivariate logistic regression and multivariable logistic regression were used to identify independent predictors of anemia in school adolescent girls. Statistical significance was set at p < 0.05. Results: A total of 285 school


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