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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721




Virgin Coconut Oil Improved Discriminative Learning and Working Memory in Aging Cycling and Non-Cycling Female Sprague-Dawley Rats Supporting Its Beneficial Effect in Retarding Age-Related Cognitive Decline

DOI: 10.4236/aar.2021.105006, PP. 97-112

Keywords: Dementia, Menopause, Estrous Cycle, Cognitive Impairment

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Aim: Beneficial effects of virgin coconut oil (VCO) consumption to improve cognition in menopausal females remain inconclusive. This study examined the effect of VCO supplementation in aging cycling and non-cycling rodents to assess its impact on cognition. Methods: Sprague-Dawley rats (10 - 18 months) were randomly assigned to a supplemented VCO group (SVCO) that received oral doses of 1.42 mL/kg/day VCO (n = 10) and a non-supplemented (NVCO) group (n = 10). Their performance in a biased Y-maze discriminative learning paradigm was assessed over a 16-week period. Rats were initially allowed 3 minutes to explore the maze (habituated) and subsequently pre-trained in the non-preferred, white chamber to associate the presentation of a tone with a treat (reward). Training involved 4 daily trials initially for 3 weeks during which rats were rewarded if they entered the white arm within 15 sec after tone presentation. Time (days) to attain at least 75% correct responses (CR) determined acquisition latency (AL). Memory retention (MR1) of the learned task was assessed following a 1-week break from training and


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