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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721




Research on the Principle of Lorry Rollover and Anti-Rollover Device Dynamics Analysis

DOI: 10.12677/IJM.2021.103016, PP. 163-174

Keywords: 东风重型载货车,侧翻,伯努利方程,安全气阀,陀螺仪原理,Dongfeng Heavy Duty Truck, Rollover, Bernoulli Equation, Safety Valve, Gyroscope Principle

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本文基于两例货车侧翻重大案例,通过合理简化,构建出东风重型载货车转弯的动力学模型,然后通过刚体力学理论与MATLAB分析货车侧翻的主要原因。为了解决货车易侧翻问题,设计了一种安全气阀和陀螺仪防货车侧翻装置。主要结论包括:1) 通过刚体力学可以简化分析货车由于转弯、车厢倾斜的侧翻问题,其结论与实际相符。2) 离心力与转角近似成线性关系;车速越快,转角越大,车厢偏转角度越大,车辆越容易侧翻。3) 安全气阀和陀螺仪均可提供有效力矩防止侧翻,其对大货车防侧翻结构设计,优化设计和安全控制都具有非常重要的指导意义。
Based on two major cases of truck rollover, this paper constructs a dynamic model of Dongfeng heavy duty truck turning through reasonable simplification, then through the rigid body mechanics theory and MATLAB, the main reasons for the truck rollover are analyzed. In order to solve the problem of truck rollover, a safety valve and gyroscope are designed to prevent truck rollover. The main conclusions include: 1) Rigid body mechanics can simplify the analysis of the rollover problem of trucks due to turning and tilting of the carriage. The conclusions are consistent with the actual situation. 2) The centrifugal force and the angle of rotation are approximately linear; the faster the vehicle speed is, the greater the angle of rotation is, and the greater the deflection angle of the carriage is, the more easily the vehicle will roll over. 3) Both the safety valve and the gyroscope can provide effective torque to prevent rollover, which has very important guiding significance for the design of anti-rollover structure, optimization design and safety control of large trucks.


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