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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721




A Kaleodoscopic View of Fuzzy Stochastic Optimization*

DOI: 10.4236/ajor.2021.116018, PP. 283-308

Keywords: Optimization, Randomness, Fuzziness, Fuzzy Random Variable

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The last three decades have witnessed development of optimization under fuzziness and randomness also called Fuzzy Stochastic Optimization. The main objective of this new field is the need for basing many human decisions on information which is both fuzzily imprecise and probabilistically uncertain. Consistency indexes providing a union nexus between possibilities and probabilities of uncertain events exist in the literature. Nevertheless, there are no reliable transformations between them. This calls for new paradigms for coping with mathematical models involving both fuzziness and randomness. Fuzzy Stochastic Optimization (FSO) is an attempt to fulfill this need. In this paper, we present a panoramic view of Fuzzy Stochastic Optimization emphasizing the methodological aspects. The merits of existing methods are also briefly discussed along with some related theoretical aspects.


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