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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721




Primary Cardiac Lymphoma: Three Case Reports and a Review of the Literature

DOI: 10.4236/ojbd.2021.114012, PP. 120-132

Keywords: Primary Cardiac Lymphoma, Diffuse Large B Cell Lymphoma, Cardiac Tumors

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Primary cardiac lymphoma (PCL) is a rare entity that comprises only 1% - 2% of all cardiac tumors. Due to their scarcity and variable clinical presentation, early diagnosis is challenging. In this series, three cases of PCL from a single institution are described, which highlight the spectrum of presenting features and emphasize common principles. In the first case, a 73-year-old male who presented with dyspnea was found to have a 12.1 cm mass in the right ventricle. Biopsy via cardiac catheterization revealed diffuse large B cell lymphoma (DLBCL). He was treated with chemoimmunotherapy and survived for two months. The second case describes a 55-year-old female who presented with chest pain. Imaging revealed a 3.1 cm right atrial mass and bilateral pleural effusions, with cytology from the latter demonstrating DLBCL. She was lost to follow up after three cycles of chemoimmunotherapy. In the last case, an 80-year-old female presented with weakness. A 4.0 cm mass was discovered in the right atrium and the patient expired shortly after admission. Autopsy confirmed the diagnosis of DLBCL. These case summaries are followed by a review of the clinical presentation, diagnostic approach, and treatment outcomes of PCL.


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