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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721




Research Progress of Deep Ultraviolet All-Solid Laser

DOI: 10.12677/OE.2021.114021, PP. 179-189

Keywords: 激光,紫外激光,深紫外激光,全固态激光器,增益介质,非线性晶体
, Ultraviolet Laser, Deep Ultraviolet Laser, All-Solid-State Laser, Gain Medium, Nonlinear Crystal

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深紫外全固态激光器指输出波长小于230 nm的固体激光器,属于不可见光,光子能量大,是深紫外前沿研究的核心光源,全固态深紫外激光器由于其具有体积小、线宽窄、可靠性较高等优点,因此应用在光发射光谱、拉曼光谱、精密微加工等领域。实现深紫外激光输出的方法有和频、倍频两种。相对与倍频技术来说,和频较复杂,稳定性差,其应用条件比较苛刻,但可以实现更短的波长;通过非线性晶体的多次谐波转换实现全固态深紫外激光输出是发展全固态深紫外激光源的有效途径,但是会受非线性晶体在深紫外区域透过率和相位匹配条件的限制。本文综述了深紫外全固态激光源的发展历史、研究现状及应用。此外,还总结了增益介质、倍频晶体等实现深紫外激光的关键技术,讨论了国内外关键的固态深紫外激光技术,为紫外激光器的研究提供了参考。
Deep ultraviolet solid-state laser refers to solid state laser with its wavelength less than 230 nm, which belongs to the invisible light and its photon energy is large. Solid-state deep ultraviolet la-ser has wide application in optical emission spectrum, Raman spectrum, micro-processing for its small volume, line width, and high reliability. Deep ultraviolet laser output can be acquired by sum frequency or second harmonic generation. Compared to multiple harmonic conversion, though sum frequency technology has harsh application conditions due to its complexity and poor stability, it can produce shorter deep ultraviolet laser. It is an effective way to develop an all-solid-state deep ultraviolet laser source to multiple harmonic conversion though nonlinear crystals, but it is limited by the transmittance and phase matching conditions of nonlinear crystals in the deep ultraviolet region. In this paper, we have reviewed the development history, research status and application fields of deep ultraviolet all solid-state laser sources. In addition, the technical background and development trend of gain medium, frequency-doubling crystal and deep ultraviolet laser are summarized as well. Finally, the key technologies of solid state deep ultraviolet laser at home and abroad are discussed, which provides a reference for the research of ultraviolet laser.


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