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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721




Clinical Benefits of Facial Nerve Monitoring during Cerebellopontine Angle Surgery

DOI: 10.4236/ojmn.2022.121002, PP. 9-27

Keywords: Facial Nerve, Monitoring, Cerebellopontine Angle, Retrosigmoid

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Background: The surgery of cerebellopontine angle tumours has remarkably progressed over the last 2 decades due to improved microsurgical techniques. The primary operative goals are microscopic total removal of the tumour while securing the adjacent cranial nerves. Facial Nerve plays a critical role in facial muscles function and one’s cosmetic appearance, and its weakness can have profound implications on a patient’s quality of life. Aim of the Study: To assess the impact of monitoring techniques on the preservation of facial nerve function during cerebellopontine angle tumours surgery. Patients and Methods: This is a prospective study. This study was conducted on 30 cases (2 groups, each had 15 patients) with CPA lesions that had undergone surgical excision of these lesions performed by retrosigmoid approach (Group A: the patients were operated under continuous intraoperative facial nerve monitoring (IOFNM) and Group B: the patients were operated without IOFNM). They were operated upon in neurosurgery departments at Al-Azhar university hospitals between August 2019 and August 2021. Results: This study showed that excellent facial nerve function (HB Grade I and II) was higher in group A than group B, immediately and at 6-month post op (80% and 93% VS 53.3% and 66.7%). Intermediate (HB Grade III and VI) and


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