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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721




A Time-Fractional Mass Transfer Model for Predicting VOC Emissions from Porous Wood-Based Panel

DOI: 10.12677/MP.2022.121001, PP. 1-11

Keywords: VOC释放,人造板,多孔介质,反常扩散,VOC Emission, Wood-Based Panel, Porous Media, Anomalous Diffusion

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具有分形结构的多孔人造板散发的挥发性有机化合物(VOC)严重污染室内环境。本文首次提出时间分数阶传质模型分析人造板内VOC散发的反常扩散。并首次建立时间分数阶对流传质边界条件和质量平衡方程揭示VOC在人造板与空气界面处的散发特性。利用有限差分格式和改进的Nelder-Mead单纯形搜索与粒子群优化方法对模型进行数值优化。与Deng和Kim的模型作对比可知,本模型的数值模拟结果与实验数据吻合更好,且其相对误差Re (0.0034%)远小于先前模型(0.0257%)。这表明现有模型能更准确地揭示人造板中VOC释放的拖尾现象。此外,还分析了关键释放参数对VOC释放的影响,结果表明,较高的α、ε、D、N和较低的Kma均促进VOC的散发,这可为改善室内空气质量提供理论指导。
Volatile organic compounds (VOC) emissions from porous wood-based panel with fractal structure seriously pollute indoor environment. In this paper, a time-fractional mass transfer model is proposed to analyze the anomalous diffusion of VOC emissions from wood-based panel. The time-fractional convective mass transfer boundary condition and mass balance equation are both developed for the first time. The finite difference scheme and the improved Nelder-Mead simplex search and particle swarm optimization are used to optimize the model numerically. Compared with Deng and Kim’s model, the numerical simulation results of present model are in better agreement with the experimental data, and the relative error Re (0.0034%) is much smaller than that of the previous model (0.0257%). This shows that the present model can reveal better the heavy-tailed phenomenon of VOC releases from wood-based panel more accurately. In addition, the influences of the key release parameters on VOC emission are analyzed. The results indicate that higher α, ε, D, N and lower Kma all can promote VOC emission, which can provide theoretical guidance for improving indoor air quality.


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