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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721




Optimization of Losses Joule in the Congolese Electrical Network Integrated with the Energy Pool of Central Africa in the PEAC Acronym

DOI: 10.4236/epe.2022.141002, PP. 13-34

Keywords: Interconnection, Joule Losses, Configuration, Genetic Algorithm, Newton Raphson Algorithm, FACTS and Load Flow

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Joule losses in the power grids are a factor in the degradation of power grid equipment (lines and transformers), but also a shortfall for power companies, which must maximize their revenues. This is why in this article we present a study on the optimization of joule losses in a meshed electricity network interconnected to a very high voltage power line crossing Congolese territory for nearly one thousand five hundred (1500) kilometers. The value of interconnections no longer needs to be demonstrated in view of these technical, economic and social advantages. The object of this study is to assess the optimal node where the interconnection can be achieved which would cause fewer joule losses in the networks to be interconnected on this line. Indeed, it can have several possible nodes where the interconnection can be carried out, so it is necessary to simulate each configuration in order to evaluate the losses using the hybrid method including the genetic algorithm to provide different configurations and the Newton Raphson algorithm. Advanced integrating FACTS devices in this case STATCOM to perform load flow. The results are interesting because by injecting electrical energy to the network or to the line to the same selected, the joule losses are within the standards provided by the International Electrotechnical Commission.


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