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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721




Burn Management at the 37 Military Hospital—A Tertiary Hospital in Accra, Ghana

DOI: 10.4236/mps.2022.121001, PP. 1-12

Keywords: Burns, Wound Healing, Wound Dressing, Burn Blisters, Antibiotics

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Burn injuries have been and remain a very significant source of mortality and morbidity in low- and middle-income countries. As a country in this category, Ghana, is not exempted. Ghana has a population of 31 Million with only 21 Plastic Reconstructive and Burn surgeons. Moreover, the country can boast of only 3 major Burn centres. This notwithstanding the country in particular and Africa, in general, carries an extraordinary burden of Burn injuries with devastating consequences. Burn data from the 37 Military Hospital were analyzed from March 2018 to September 2019—a period of 18 months. In all, 217 burn cases were seen representing about 2.1% of all trauma and surgical cases. Our burn data analyzed the peculiarities of epidemiology, types of burn, the pattern of injuries, and the outcome of burn care at the 37 Military Hospital. Flame is emerging as the predominant cause of burns, most frequently occurring from the use of Liquid Petroleum Gas. In the pediatric population, however, the most frequent cause of burns is hot water burns. The mortality rate among the burn population was 1.8% (4 mortalities). This paper aims to point out management methods adopted by our unit which helped to improve burn outcomes and to reduce mortality.


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