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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721




Review on Influencing Factors and Prevention and Control Measures of Adolescent Myopia—Based on Domestic Research from 2011 to 2021

DOI: 10.12677/HJO.2022.111002, PP. 6-13

Keywords: 青少年,近视
, Myopia

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Objective: To summarize the influencing factors and prevention and control measures of adolescent myopia in China from 2011 to 2021, analyze the deficiencies of the current research status, and put forward relevant recommendations to provide a theoretical basis for the exploration of youth myopia prevention and control measures. Methods: From 2011 to 2021, 19 Chinese core journals in CNKI database were sorted out and analyzed. Conclusion: Lack of outdoor time, long- term use of eyes at close range, and bad posture are the key influencing factors for the occurrence and development of adolescent myopia. At present, effective exercise intervention measures for young people’s myopia are still being explored. It is recommended that the government should establish a regular screening system for young people’s eyesight to promote the development of the prevention and control of young people’s myopia, and health and medical institutions should establish visual health files as soon as possible to increase the propaganda of young people’s healthy eyes, and schools should pay more attention to physical education courses. In addition, parents need to lead by example, improve the supervision of their children, and guide them correctly. The teenagers themselves need to pay more attention to various bad postures that cause myopia.


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