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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721




Research on the Impact of Technological Innovation Capability on the Export Competitiveness of China’s High-Tech Industry

DOI: 10.12677/BGlo.2022.101002, PP. 7-16

Keywords: 技术创新能力,高技术产业,出口竞争力
Technological Innovation Capability
, High-Tech Industry, Export Competitiveness

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From the perspective of technological innovation capability, this article analyzes its impact on the export competitiveness of China’s high-tech industries. From the perspective of the high-tech industry as a whole, use the time series model to conduct empirical research. The study found that: independent R&D investment has a strong positive effect on the export competitiveness of China’s high-tech industry; non-independent R&D investment has a negative impact on China’s high-tech industry export competitiveness; the export intensity of new products has a positive impact on export competitiveness, but the impact is relatively weak.


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