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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721




Analysis on Key Techniques of Infrared Imaging Seeker Target Detection and Automatic Recognition

DOI: 10.12677/OE.2022.121001, PP. 1-13

Keywords: 红外导引头,红外成像探测,实时信号与信息处理,自动目标识别,精确制导武器
Infrared Seeker
, Infrared Imaging Detection, Real-Time Signal and Information Processing, Automatic Target Recognition, Precision Guided Weapons

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Infrared imaging seeker is a key device for detecting and tracking targets on the missile, generating attitude adjustment parameters and realizing precision guidance and precision strikes. This paper briefly introduces the function and composition of infrared imaging seekers, introduces and analyzes several typical infrared precision guided weapons at home and abroad, infrared seekers development evolution, and the progress of the infrared imaging detection and precision guidance projects of United States DARPA (defense advanced research projects agency) in the last decade. On this basis, the key techniques such as infrared seeker imaging detection, real-time signal processing of infrared image, automatic target recognition (ATR) in imaging guided weapons are analyzed. The latest technical progress on the cooled/uncooled infrared ray focal plane array (FPA) detectors, multiband/polarimetric imaging, laser and infrared composite imaging, unconventional imaging, as well as real-time infrared image signal processing algorithms, ART algorithms for missile based on deep learning and artificial intelligence under battlefield environments of complex changing/hostile environments, the hardware architecture that supports computing power are reviewed.


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