在东营滨海盐碱地进行了澳洲龙纹斑鱼种培育试验,试验鱼种初始体重为0.30 ± 0.05 g。经过167天培育,鱼种均重达到51.2 ± 10.5 g,养殖期间成活率71.7%,饵料系数0.82。初步确定澳洲龙纹斑鱼种可适应本地地下水环境,生长性能良好,推测该品种可作为本地未来规模化养殖的潜力鱼类品种之一。
A rearing trial of juvenile Murray cod was conducted in Dongying coastal saline land. The initial average body weight was 0.30 ± 0.05 g. After 167 days of cultivation, the average body weight was increased to 51.2 ± 10.5 g with surviving rate of 71.7% and feed coefficient (FCR) of 0.82. It was preliminarily determined that juvenile Murray cod could adapt to the local groundwater environment and show good growth performance. This species was speculated to be one of the potential fish species for local large-scale farming in the future.
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