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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721




Microbial Enzymes and Their Applications in Food Industry: A Mini-Review

DOI: 10.4236/aer.2022.101002, PP. 23-47

Keywords: Bacteria, Food Industry, Fungi, Microbes, Microbial Enzymes

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The use of enzymes is replacing chemicals in many industrial production processes because of the eco-friendly nature of enzymes which do not generate greenhouse gases and have reduced the demand for energy in industries. To meet the ever-increasing demand for enzymes in many industries and survive the harsh production conditions, microbial sources of enzyme production are the most preferred source for industrial enzyme production because the microbes are readily available, they grow at a very fast rate, and they can be genetically manipulated to produce enzymes which can perform optimally at different industrial production conditions. Microbial enzymes have found so many applications in various industries (textiles, leather, paper and pulp, research and development, pharmaceutical, agriculture, detergent, waste, biorefineries, photography and food industries), thus making them very essential in several industrial production processes. Here in this review, the application of some important microbial enzymes in food industry and the microbial sources for the enzymes are discussed.


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