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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721




Start Risk and Opportunity Control Measures to Analyze and Discuss the Results of Capability Verification

DOI: 10.12677/AMB.2022.111005, PP. 42-47

Keywords: 大肠菌群,能力验证,不符合检测工作,控制措施,风险和机遇
Coliform Group
, Ability Verification, Non-Conformance Testing, Control Measures, Risks and Opportunities

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CNAS-CL01:2018 introduces the requirements of the laboratory to deal with risks and opportunities, and how to better use it in the quality system management of the laboratory. Our laboratory to participate in the mineral water coliform bacteria detection ability of validation test results a satisfaction, a suspicious, in the ability to verify work timely response measures to control the risks and opportunities of from man, machine, material, method, ring, measuring key link to find the reason, found the reason of unconformity, and implementation of corrective actions, verification by measuring the effectiveness of the corrective actions again. The laboratory activities to meet the quality requirements, to ensure that the test data is accurate and reliable, and let the laboratory have a stronger competitiveness.


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