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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721




Thermal Pyrolysis of Waste Disposable Plastic Syringes and Pyrolysis Thermodynamics

DOI: 10.4236/aces.2022.122008, PP. 96-113

Keywords: Plastic Waste Injector, Rate Constant, Thermodynamic Quantities

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In this study, the convertibility of disposable plastic waste injectors made of HDPE and PP plastics into valuable chemical products by thermal pyrolysis was investigated. While PP plastic wastes were decomposed in the temperature range of 400°C - 445°C, HDPE plastic wastes were decomposed in the higher temperature range (430°C - 475°C). Although the physical appearance of the liquid products obtained in the thermal decomposition of PP plastic wastes are lighter in color and fluid, it has been observed that the liquid decomposition products of HDPE plastic wastes have a more dense and viscous structure. By using the first-order kinetic model, kinetic expressions for both plastic wastes were derived, reaction rate constants, k, and activation energy, Eact, and thermodynamic quantities such as reaction enthalpy, H, reaction entropy, S ve and Gibbs free energy, G were calculated. In the thermal pyrolysis of PP and HDPE plastic wastes,


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