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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721




Trans-Cultural Validation of the “Physical Education and Sport Anxiety State Scale” (PESAS) in Arabic Language: Insights for Sport and Physical Education

DOI: 10.4236/ape.2022.122009, PP. 106-125

Keywords: Validation, Anxiety, Sport and Physical Education, Teenagers

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Objective: Adaptation in Arabic language and empirical examination of the instrument for measuring the state anxiety in physical education and sport PSEAS among Tunisian students. Methods: A set of 623 athletic and non-athletic students (m age = 14.71, AND age = 2) from primary and secondary school completed an adapted version of the PSEAS Anxiety Scale in Arabic language. The subjects were recruited in two phases: exploratory (n = 161; m age = 14.59, ET age = 2) and confirmatory (n = 462; m age = 14.79, ET age = 1.99). Results: The PSESAS measurement scale was stable on exploratory factor analysis and no items were removed from the three dimensions of the scale. Likewise, reliability tests have shown that the internal consistency is adequate. The confirmatory factor analysis carried out showed the robustness of the measurement of the 18 items of the scale. Also, the three dimensions showed a moderate correlation, which confirms the first-order structure of the instrument. The sensitivity of the instrument for the variable gender, sport practice and gender interaction effect*sport practice was highlighted. Females and non-athletes showed higher levels of anxiety. Conclusion: The Arabic version of PSEAS is valid and reliable in terms of psychometrics and can be administered to assess state anxiety rates for primary and secondary students in


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