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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721




Physical Literacy Vindicated: The Mind Is the Function of a Body Embedded Brain

DOI: 10.4236/ape.2022.122011, PP. 142-160

Keywords: Physical Literacy, Monism, Embodiment, Phenomenology, Existentialism

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Margaret Whitehead purports that a belief in monism and holistic perspective results in a “lived embodiment” that is fundamental to the appreciation of physical literacy. In this article, we document how our species evolved the ability and need for persistent movement as a means for survival and discuss the merits of Whitehead’s perspective from both a philosophical and scientific perspective in the context of physical literacy. We argue that science has replaced existentialism and phenomenology in justifying and explicating the importance of physical activity and physical literacy for human beings.


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