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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721




Geometric Drawing Model of Shape of Water Sections for the Investigation of Solid Flow Transport in the Basin of Mono River in Republic of Benin

DOI: 10.4236/ojmh.2022.123006, PP. 95-108

Keywords: Mono River, Bathymetry, Geometric Drawing Modelling, Hydro-Sedimentary Dynamics, Trapping

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The hydrologic and hydraulic changings on the behavior of Mono river are the result of the stress involved by human activities, on one hand and the construction of the dam of Nangbéto and the exploitation of sand in downstream of the dam by the population, between Athiémé and Agbanankin on other hand. That effect had also affected the shape of the sections of the river in the context of climate variability. It shows consequently that area is also a trapping area of sediments eroded in downstream of the dam and is responsible for the trapping of sediments in the river. The slope and the flow rate are the main factors of the real capacity of transport of a watercourse. They also determine the transport of solid flows from upstream to downstream. This drawing model established by taking into account the bathymetry of a transversal section of the Mono river at Athiémé, is the first step of a global investigation of the solid flow transport in the basin of Mono river and the boundary condition for the characterization of its hydro-sedimentary dynamics study. It aims to take into account sections and the used technique which consist to measure on one located section as the representative section of the river at Athiémé, by moving the boat used for bathymetry.


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