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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721




Planck Units Measured Totally Independently of Big G

DOI: 10.4236/ojm.2022.122004, PP. 55-85

Keywords: Planck Mass, Newton’s Gravitational Constant, Cavendish Apparatus, Quantum Gravity

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In this paper, we show how one can find the Planck units without any knowledge of Newton’s gravitational constant, by mainly focusing on the use of a Cavendish apparatus to accomplish this. This is in strong contrast to the assumption that one needs to know G?in order to find the Planck units. The work strongly supports the idea that gravity is directly linked to the Planck scale, as suggested by several quantum gravity theories. We further demonstrate that there is no need for the Planck constant in observable gravity phenomena despite quantization, and we also suggest that standard physics uses two different mass definitions without acknowledging them directly. The quantization in gravity is linked to the Planck length and Planck time, which again is linked to what we can call the number of Planck mass events. That is, quantization in gravity is not only a hypothesis, but something we can currently and actually detect and measure.


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