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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721




Assessment of the Wind Energy Potential of Two Burundian Sites

DOI: 10.4236/epe.2022.145010, PP. 181-200

Keywords: Wind Shear Exponent, Two-Parameter Weibull PDFs, Statistical Tests, Wind Energy Potential, WT’s Energy Output and Capacity Factor, Cost of Electricity, Two Burundian Sites

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1-year hourly wind speed data from two Burundian stations, namely Bujumbura and Muyinga, have been processed in this work to bring an efficient help for the planning and installation of wind energy conversion systems (WECS) at those localities. Mean seasonal and diurnal variations of wind direction and wind shear exponent have been derived. Two-parameter Weibull probability density functions (PDFs) fitting the observed monthly and annual wind speed relative frequency distributions have been implemented. As shown through three complementary statistical tests, the fitting technique was very satisfactory. A wind resource analysis at 10 m above ground level (AGL) has led to a mean power density at Bujumbura which is almost thirteen fold higher than at Muyinga. The use of the empirical power law to extrapolate wind characteristics at heights from 150 to 350 m AGL has shown that energy potential of hilltops around Muyinga was only suitable for small, individual scale wind energy applications. At the opposite, wind energy potential of ridge-tops and hilltops around Bujumbura has been found suitable for medium and large scale electricity production. For that locality and at those heights, energy outputs and capacity factors (CF or Cf) have been computed for ten selected wind turbines (WTs), together with costs of electricity (COE) using the present value of cost (PVC) method. Amongst those WTs, YDF-1500-87 and S95-2.1 MW have emerged as the best options for installation owing to their highest CF and lowest COE


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