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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721




Investigation of Dry Eye-Related Symptoms and Analysis of Risk Factors among College Students in Fuzhou

DOI: 10.12677/HJO.2022.112020, PP. 127-141

Keywords: 大学生,干眼,危险因素
College Students
, Dry Eye, Risk Factors

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目的:通过调查福州市大学生的眼屈光度,不同用眼习惯,以及大学生干眼相关症状,分析福州市大学生干眼相关危险因素。方法:以8项干眼相关症状和7项用眼习惯以及不同的眼屈光度作为研究因素,对福州市高校1231名大学生进行问卷调查。对不同研究因素进行分类,采用非参数秩和检验及非条件logistic回归模型,分析大学生干眼的危险因素。结果:干眼相关症状量表评分等级结果为,正常占51.7%,有干眼症状者占48.3%,其中轻度43.5%,中度4.0%,重度0.9%。干眼相关症状严重程度与是否近视、近视度数、每天看电子产品时间、主要的读书场所、过去一周内在室外活动超过一小时的天数、在手机上玩的游戏种类有关,差异均有统计学意义(all P < 0.05)。经logistic回归模型分析,近视度数、室外活动天数、玩棋牌类游戏等3个变量为干眼相关症状的影响因素(P < 0.05)。结论:近视与是干眼相关症状严重程度的危险因素,近视度数越高,影响程度越深;过度用眼与干眼相关,室外活动是干眼的保护因素。
Purpose: The risk factors related to dry eye of college students in Fuzhou were analyzed by investigating the refractive errors, different eye care habits and dry eye-related symptoms of college students in Fuzhou. Methods: A questionnaire survey was conducted among 1231 college students in Fuzhou with 8 dry eye-related symptoms, 7 eye-using habits and different refractive errors. Different research factors were classified, nonparametric rank sum test and unconditional logistic regression model were used to analyze the risk factors of dry eye in college students. Results: Grading in dry eye-related symptom scores show that normal subjects accounted for 51.7%, dry eye participants accounted for 48.3%, among them mild dry eye accounted for 43.5%, moderate accounted for 4.0%, and severe 0.9%. The severity of dry eye-related symptoms is related with the presence of myopia, myopia degree, duration of reading electronic products daily, reading circumstance, the number of days spent outdoor more than an hour in the past week, and differences were statistical significance (all P < 0.05). According to the analysis of logistic regression model, myopia, outdoor activity days and playing chess games were the influencing factors of dry eye-related symptoms (P < 0.05). Conclusion: Myopia is a risk factor for the severity of dry eye-related symptoms. Higher degrees of myopia were associated with severer symptoms. Excessive use of eye is correlated with dry eye. Outdoor activity is a protective factor for dry eye.


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