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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721




History of Joint Ownership of Forests in Finland in the Context of European Forest Commons

DOI: 10.4236/ahs.2022.113009, PP. 87-105

Keywords: Forest Commons, Forest Ownership, Finland, Sweden, Europe

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In Europe the history of forest commons dates back to the Middle Ages and some of them are still performing well. The formation of modern states in Europe favoured privatisation of previously communally managed property, including forest commons. Privatisation of state lands proceeded in Finland in the nineteenth century, but at the same time there was a need to establish co-owned forests to settle the landless population. The first part of the study focuses on exploring the development of the system of co-owned forests in Finland since the late nineteenth century until 2020. How has the Finnish system of co-owned forests responded to societal and economic changes during the long time frame of the study? The co-ownership of forests, called jointly owned forests in Finland, has had similarities with European and particularly with Swedish forest commons, but there have also been several differences. The second part of the study aims to approach the present Finnish system in the context of European, particularly Swedish, forest commons. Among the international research community development and special characteristics of the Finnish system of joint ownership of forests are poorly known.


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