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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721




Identifying the Binding Residues between Disease-Associated Proteins and Metal-Ion Ligands Based on Machine Learning Algorithm

DOI: 10.12677/HJCB.2022.123004, PP. 23-31

Keywords: 金属离子配体,5折交叉检验,位置特异性打分矩阵,随机森林算法
Metal-Ion Ligand
, 5-Fold Cross Validation, Position-Specific Scoring Matrix (PSSM), Random Forest (RF)

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Protein-ligand interactions play an important role in the pathogenesis of diseases. Many proteins perform their functions by binding to specific ligands, and the binding of protein-metal-ion ligands plays an important role in the realization of protein functions. Identifying which residues in the protein interact with metal-ion ligands can help researchers understand the molecular mechanism of protein-metal ion interaction, and it is important for human health and precision medicine. In this paper, we study the binding of disease-associated proteins to three metal ion ligands based on the machine learning algorithm. We extract three sequence features: position-specific scoring Ma-trix (PSSM), amino acid component information, dipeptide component. Then, the random forest al-gorithm and the support vector machine algorithm were used to establish the classification model of the three metal ion ligand-binding residues. Finally, the highest accuracy (Acc) was 87% for the Zn2+ binding residues in the feature fusion, the highest Accuracy (Acc) of Mg2+ binding residues was 70%, and that of Ca2+ binding residues was 70%. These results show that our model has the ability to identify the binding residues of three metal ion ligands.


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