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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721




Discussion on the Implications of Single Photon in Double Slit Interference and Delay Selection Experiments

DOI: 10.12677/MP.2022.125013, PP. 129-135

Keywords: 光子,双缝干涉实验,延迟选择实验,Photon, Double Slit Interference Experiment, Delayed Choice Experiment

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In the famous double-slit interference experiment, there is a problem that a single photon passes through two slits at the same time. In the splitting delay experiment, there is a problem of single-photon path and causality. In this paper, through the analysis of the meaning of single photon in different situations, it is believed that the essence of these problems is the understanding of single photons. A single photon (energy hf) in the traditional sense is f wave packets with energy h. We take a wave packet as a basic unit of light, then we traditionally mean when a photon is emitted, it actually emits f wave packets. We understand a wave packet as a photon, and these troubles do not exist. We compare a single photon in the traditional sense to a drop of water, a wave packet is equivalent to a water molecule, water will be vaporized into water molecules in the air, and a photon in the traditional sense will also be scattered into tiny wave packets in space. We cannot see the running path of molecules in space, and similarly, we cannot determine the running path of the wave packet of light. This paper also predicts the single photon experiment in the traditional sense. When a single photon in the traditional sense is emitted, if the detection energy of the single photon is reduced, the photons can be detected on both paths of the spectroscopic experiment, which can confirm the whether the single photon in the traditional sense is separable and whether it is a real single photon.


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