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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721




A Great Sensation Commodity Creation and Marketing Strategy in E-commerce Store Based on Big Data—Taking a Company in Xiamen as an Example

DOI: 10.12677/BGlo.2022.104008, PP. 63-73

Keywords: 爆品,关键词自然流量,客户分析,营销策略,吧台椅
Top-Selling Item
, Keywords’ Organic Traffic, Customer Analysis, Marketing Strategy, Bar Chair

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This paper takes the bar chair traffic data of a company in Xiamen as an example to study the number of keyword searches, product exposure, customer composition, and geographical distribution of customers. We find out the core keywords through the exposure degree of the keywords’ organic traffic, then select a drainage commodity and a great sensation commodity through the exposure degree of the keywords’ organic traffic and relevant data. At the same time, through customer analysis, understand the composition and distribution area of users in the e-commerce store. Finally, the operation marketing strategy is formulated according to the exposure degree of the keywords' organic traffic, the characteristics of the drainage commodity and the great sensation commodity, and the customer analysis results. This paper also provides an operating process for e-commerce shops to select the drainage product and the top-selling item based on big data analysis and provides e-commerce stores with references.


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