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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721




Physico-Chemical Characterization of Sludge from the Goudel Drinking Water Production Plant in Niamey (Niger)

DOI: 10.4236/nr.2022.1310014, PP. 206-216

Keywords: Sludge, Potable Water, Water Treatment, Niger River, Niamey

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Population growth and increasing needs make our current societies a considerable source of environmental threats. Going towards sustainable cities where harmony exists between economic, socio-cultural and environmental issues is a necessity that is essential if we want to bequeath a livable world to future generations. Cities produce huge quantities of domestic and industrial waste, the management of which is becoming a growing problem for city managers. Located on the banks of the Niger River, the city of Niamey, capital of the Republic of Niger, is supplied with drinking water from this river. Significant quantities of sludge are produced by the plant following the treatment of this water. This study focuses on the physico-chemical characterization of this sludge which is now directly discharged into the Niger River. A total of 12 samples of pasty sludge taken from the pre-settling ponds were analyzed. The samples were previously dried, crushed, sieved and packaged. Physical (pH, EC and particle size), chemical (Ca, Mg, Na, K, CEC, AE, P, C, MO and N) and metallic trace elements (Pb, Ni, Cu, Zn, Cd, Mn) parameters and Al) were analyzed in the laboratory. The results show that the sludge is weakly acidic (pH between 4.16 and 5.71), conductive (<0.35 mS/cm) and rich in fine elements (12.1% to 77.71% clay). The nutrient content is low in nitrogen (<0.25%), phosphorus (<2.5 ppm), potassium (between 1 to 188 Mèq/100g) and organic matter (less than 2.88%). The concentrations of ETM comply with the values admissible in residual materials (French decree of 08/01/1998). This sludge can be recovered, especially in agriculture.


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