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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721




Research on the Relationship between Professional Secretaries and Investor Protection—The Intermediary Role of Information Disclosure Quality

DOI: 10.12677/BGlo.2022.104009, PP. 74-83

Keywords: 职业董秘,信息披露质量,投资者保护,中介作用
Professional Board Secretary
, Quality of Information Disclosure, Investor Protection, Intermediate Effect

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In view of the current situation that the quality of information disclosure of listed companies in China is not high and the interests of investors are constantly infringed, by analyzing the relationship between professional board secretaries and investor protection and the mediating role of information disclosure quality, this paper reveals the impact mechanism of professional board secretaries on investor protection and verifies the existence of this mechanism by using a sample of China’s small and medium-sized board listed companies. The results show that: professional board secretaries are beneficial to the investor protection of listed companies; there are differences in investor protection of professional board secretaries with different professional backgrounds; the quality of information disclosure is part of the mediating variable that professional board secretaries affect investor protection. The conclusions of this paper can not only provide suggestions for listed companies to reasonably select and employ board secretaries but also provide a decision-making basis for regulatory agencies to guide and regulate board secretaries’ behavior and can also provide some ideas and empirical evidence for the study of investor protection.


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