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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721




Research on China’s Provincial Embodied Carbon Emissions Accounting and Responsibility Allocation

DOI: 10.12677/JLCE.2022.114012, PP. 79-90

Keywords: MRIO模型,省域碳排放,隐含碳,碳补偿,责任分配
, Provincial Carbon Emissions, Embodied Carbon, Carbon Compensation, Responsibility Alloca-tion

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Approving the annual carbon emissions of various provinces in my country is the core issue of the national carbon emission total and carbon emission intensity control goals. Based on China’s inter-provincial input-output data, this paper uses the MRIO model to measure the production-side carbon emissions, consumption-side carbon emissions and net transfer of 30 provinces, and takes the proportion of provincial added value in the outflow of commodities from each province as the allocation factor is used to allocate the embodied carbon in each province, and implement carbon emission responsibility sharing. Combined with the hidden carbon and carbon compensation mechanism, the theoretical model of carbon compensation is constructed. Based on the calculation of provincial net hidden carbon emissions, the subject and object of carbon compensation are defined. The results show that: from the perspective of net transfer volume, there are 23 provinces with net transfer of embodied carbon from foreign trade, and the allocation ratio of implied carbon responsibility ranges from 42% to 80%, all of which are carbon compensated provinces. There are 7 provinces with a net transfer of carbon embodied in foreign trade, with a responsibility distribution ratio of 31% to 35%, and all of them are carbon payment provinces. Through the calculation of implied carbon, the actual carbon emission level of each province in the inter-provincial trade is clarified, and the carbon emission responsibility in the inter-provincial trade is linked with the economic benefit, and the carbon responsibility distribution and carbon compensation with clear rights and responsibilities are realized.


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