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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721




The Influence of Coherence on the First Law of Quantum Thermodynamics

DOI: 10.12677/MP.2022.126017, PP. 159-166

Keywords: 量子热力学,量子相干,热力学第一定律,Quantum Thermodynamics, The Quantum Coherent, First Law of Thermodynamics

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Quantum thermodynamics and classical thermodynamics are very different in essence, but they are related to each other. Quantum coherence plays an important role in the study of quantum thermodynamics. In this paper, the peculiar behavior of quantum coherence in thermodynamics is dis-covered by studying the process of atomic spontaneous radiation. Select different initial states of the system by studying a specific system, it is found that the heat generated by the external work of the system and coherent dynamics contribute to the internal energy of the system. The results are of great significance to the further improvement of the first law of quantum thermodynamics.


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