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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721




New Probability Distributions in Astrophysics: X. Truncation and Mass-Luminosity Relationship for the Frèchet Distribution

DOI: 10.4236/ijaa.2022.124020, PP. 347-362

Keywords: Stars: Normal, Stars: Luminosity Function, Mass Function Stars: Statistics

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The Frèchet distribution has aided the modelling of scientific data in many contexts. We demonstrate how it can be adapted to model astrophysical data. We analyze the truncated version of the Frèchet distribution deriving the probability density function (PDF), the distribution function, the average value, the rth moment about the origin, the median, the random generation of values and the maximum likelihood estimator, which allows us to derive the two unknown parameters. This first PDF in the regular and truncated version is then applied to model the mass of the stars. A canonical transformation from the mass to the luminosity allows us to derive a new PDF, which is derived in its regular and truncated version. Finally, we apply this new PDF model on the distribution in luminosity of NGC 2362.


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