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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721




The Yellow Spot Pattern of Salamander (Salamandra infraimmaculata) in Various Habitats at the Southern Border of Its Distribution in Israel

DOI: 10.4236/ojas.2023.131008, PP. 114-125

Keywords: Salamandra infraimmaculata, Color-Pattern, Habitats, Spots, Yellow

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The present study describes the different color-pattern phenotypes of yellow spots on the black back of Salamandra infraimmaculata in various habitats at the southern border of its distribution in Israel. At Tel Dan, we photographed 454 salamanders in moist habitats where water flows year round; 100 of these were sampled to measure the percentage of yellow and black color on the back, and the number of spots on the head. At Kibbutz Sasa, 201 salamanders were photographed, of which 62 were sampled for the measurements. In Kibbutz Yehiam, 200 salamanders were photographed, and 60 were sampled for the measurements. At all sites, about a third of the salamanders were photographed more than once. For all three populations, yellow spots on the salamander back were found in one row, two rows or scattered. For two indices (proportion of yellow/black and number of spots on the head), the Dan population (under wet, running water all year round conditions) differed from the two other populations of salamanders (under semi-arid mountain conditions). The number of yellow spots on the head of the salamanders in the three populations varied from 1 to 7. In all populations, 4 spots pattern was the most common. In the Dan population, there were significantly more salamanders with 1 to 3 spots on their head than in the Sasa or Yehiam populations. No difference was found in the number of head spots for Sasa vs. Yehiam salamanders. The percentage of yellow on the black back was significantly larger for the Dan salamanders vs. the two other populations. The main question examined was whether there is an effect of the habitat conditions in isolated populations on the spot pattern on the salamander back. The answer is positive and is supported by previous studies.


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