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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721




Recent Advances in Metabolomics and Therapeutics for Cancer Cachexia

DOI: 10.4236/jct.2023.141004, PP. 38-49

Keywords: Drug Discovery, Stable Isotopes, Muscle Wasting, Oncology

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Cancer Cachexia afflicts 50 - 80 percent of cancer patients with roughly 20 percent of all cancer patients dying of cachexia. Metabolomics is the study of different metabolites, their location in the body, and the timing of their appearance and disappearance. As a result, this science of Metabolomics can be applied to solve the problem of Cancer Cachexia. In this review, I examine recent studies on metabolism that use Metabolomics as their instrument of discovery. Further, this review details potential therapeutic interventions at the cellular, animal, and human level that show promise for attenuating Cancer Cachexia.


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