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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721




Assessment of the Effects of Supplemental Rumen Protected B Vitamins and Choline for Periparturient Cows: A Meta-Analysis of 28 Feeding Studies

DOI: 10.4236/ojas.2023.131011, PP. 151-165

Keywords: Lactating Dairy Cows, Transition Period, Rumen Protection, B Vitamins, Choline

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There are currently no prescribed requirements for B vitamins or choline for dairy cows during the transition period, but many recent studies have shown a variety of benefits from supplying these nutrients to periparturient cows. The purpose of this research effort was to determine the potential benefit of including a rumen protected blend composed of B vitamins (riboflavin, folic acid, vitamin B12) and choline (RPBlend, Jefo Nutrition Inc., St. Hyacinthe, QC, Canada) for dairy cows during the transition period, based on results from 28 on-farm feeding studies (USA-12, Mexico-7, Canada-4, Chile-3, Australia-1, Brazil-1) conducted between 2011 and 2018. All farms participated in monthly herd management record keeping systems and were selected to participate in studies due to their excellent management. Meta-analyses in which risk differences were determined were used to assess the effects of the supplemental RPBlend on health parameters and reproduction. The effect size was used as the determinant of the possible contribution of RPblend on the yields of milk, energy corrected milk (ECM), fat and protein yields during the first four weeks of lactation. Results showed that the inclusion of RPblend reduced (P < 0.05) involuntary culling and mastitis by cows during the first 30 days after calving. There was a tendency (P < 0.10) for reduced retained placenta and metritis. The meta-analyses revealed that the risk of the displaced abomasum and milk fever did not diminish (P > 0.10) with the inclusion of the BPBlend. The incidence rate of subclinical ketosis, determined as blood beta hydroxy butyric acid greater than 1.2 mM was lower (P < 0.05) for cows offered the BPBlend (than those not supplemented. The proportion of cows confirmed pregnant by 100 days in milk was greater for cows given the BPBlend (P < 0.05). Milk yield and ECM were greater for cows receiving the RPBlend (1.13 and 0.93 kg/cow respectively, P <


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