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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721




Hydrodynamic Characterization of the Water Table of the Upper Dallol Maouri Basin (Niger)

DOI: 10.4236/ojmh.2023.132004, PP. 77-93

Keywords: Aquifer, Piezometry, Pond, Recharge, Isotopic

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The Dallol Maouri is a valley of an ancient tributary of the Niger River. The groundwater in this area of the upper Dallol Maouri is little known because of the weakness of the data. The purpose of this study is to make a hydrodynamic characterization of the water table of the upper dallol Maouri by piezometric approach. A piezometric monitoring network made up of 65 points (54 wells and 11 piezometers) was set up. Six (6) piezometric measurement campaigns were carried out from June 2018 to June 2021. The piezometric survey is carried out once every six months: in January and June corresponding respectively to the high and low water period. The results show that the water table is multi-layered in places with a combination of alluvial and Continental Terminal 3 (CT3) aquifers, or perched aquifers and inferoflux aquifers around permanent ponds. The flow direction of the Continental Terminal 3 (CT3) aquifer is mainly North-East/South-West. The piezometric levels are around 219 m (in the South-West part) and 281 m (in the North-East part). The hydraulic gradient varies from 0.018‰ to 1.83‰. The recharge zones are located in the outcrop zone of the aquifer and in the valleys. A lack of recharge is observed on the plateaus despite the presence of numerous permanent ponds. The recharge coefficient in 2020 is estimated at 25% of the total rainfall recorded.


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