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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721




Intraocular Silicone Oil Removed after 10 Years: A Case Report

DOI: 10.4236/ojoph.2023.131004, PP. 30-36

Keywords: Silicone Oil, Long-Term Persistence, Emulsification, Silicone Retinopathy

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Background: Silicone oil (SO) has been demonstrated with concrete efficacy and safety in the therapy of complex vitreoretinal diseases. SO is schemed to be cleared within several weeks or months after tamponade, but it’s inevitable for permanent or residual SO in a fraction of patients under extremely complicated clinical conditions. Here, we presented a case of silicone oil removal after 10 years, mainly to observe the disadvantages of long-term persistence. Case presentation: A 69-year-old female with pathologic myopia denied trauma history who had undergone pars plana vitrectomy (PPV), retinal reattachment, laser, and silicone oil tamponade in 2012 presented to our hospital with eye pain and headache, no light perception of her right eye for six months. The slit-lamp biomicroscopy examination for OD indicated evident conjunctival congestion, new blood vessels invasion to the limbus, foggy edema of corneal epithelium, folds of Descemet’s membrane and corneal endothelial edema. There were obvious emulsified silicone oil particles above the anterior chamber. Goldmann’s applanation tonometry test revealed the intraocular pressure was as high as 45/17mmHg. From ocular ultrasound, we saw that the vitreous cavity was filled with silicone oil in right eye; as for the left eye, it showed marked axial elongation and posterior scleral staphyloma. We were unable to obtain more information from fundus photography and macular optical coherence tomography (OCT) due to edema of the cornea. After the silicone oil was removed successfully from her vitreous cavity, although there was no improvement in the patient’s vision (no light perception), she was still satisfied with the relief from eye pain and headache benefited from the reduction of high intraocular pressure (Goldmann’s intraocular pressure decreased to 19/14mmHg). Conclusion: Patients after PPV should remove silicone oil in time to avoid corneal damage, intraocular hypertension, lens opacity and retinal damage induced by long-term silicone tamponade.


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