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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721




The Effect of Performance Pressure on Helping Behavior: Mediating Role of Workplace Anxiety and Moderating Effect of Agreeableness

DOI: 10.4236/jhrss.2023.111001, PP. 1-13

Keywords: Performance Pressure, Workplace Anxiety, Agreeableness, Helping Behavior

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Purpose: Based on the theory of ego depletion, this paper takes employees as the main research object, explores the influence of performance pressure on helping behavior, and analyzes the mediating role of workplace anxiety and the moderating effect of agreeableness. Design/Methodology/Approach: 216 employees in Chinese enterprises were investigated in this research, and confirmatory factor analysis, hierarchical regression analysis, and bootstrap regression analysis were used to verify the hypotheses. Findings: Performance pressure negatively affects employee helping behavior; workplace anxiety plays a mediating role in the negative relationship between performance pressure and employee helping behavior; agreeableness has a moderating effect on the relationship between workplace anxiety and helping behavior. Originality/Value: The research conclusions enrich the results of performance pressure, and provide a reasonable and novel theoretical perspective for enterprises to alleviate the workplace anxiety of employees and promote the implementation of helping behavior in the organization.


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