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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721




Gender Transformation Model of Face Image Based on Improved MUNIT

DOI: 10.12677/HJDM.2023.131003, PP. 23-35

Keywords: 深度学习,生成对抗网络,风格迁移,无监督风格迁移,人脸性别转换
Deep Learning
, Generating Adversarial Networks, Style Transfer, Unsupervised Style Migration, Facial Sex Conversion

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The image style transfer methods based on generative adversarial network have become the main-stream model of face image gender transformation. However, for existing methods, the transformed face image is blurred, the background image is distorted, and the facial identity preservation effect is not good. Aiming at the above problems, this paper proposes an improved face image gender transformation model based on multi-modal unsupervised Image Translation Network (MUNIT). Firstly, the generator part of MUNIT model is optimized, and the dynamic instance normalization operation (DIN) is added to the encoder part to make the encoder more accurate in the stripping of face content features and style features. The mixed attention module (CBAM) is added after the residual block network in the content encoding part, so that the model can extract more abundant face key features. In addition, the face image of CeleBA dataset is screened and trimmed according to its attributes, which reduces the influence of image background on image generation and makes the model more focused on the learning of face features. According to the experimental situation, the proposed method can generate more refined facial gender conversion images.


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