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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721




From the Point of View of Legal System, the Early Song Dynasty (Taizu Taizong Dynasty) to the Jiangnan Area

DOI: 10.12677/OJHS.2023.111011, PP. 73-81

Keywords: 太祖太宗,淮南地区,江南地区,法制,经略
Taizu Taizong
, Huainan Area, Jiangnan Area, The Rule of Law, Running

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During the Five Dynasties period, the Jianghuai Dynasty was divided. The forefathers and the Yuan Zong of the Southern Tang Dynasty adopted the policy of stopping soldiers and settling the people to govern the Jianghuai. After the establishment of the Song Dynasty, Taizu restored production in Huainan, which had been recovered, and carried out the policy of carrying the enemy state and carrying the people away from the South of the Tang Dynasty. The successful recovery of the South of the Yangtze River made the Wu people happy. Emperor Taizong, on the basis of Emperor Taizu’s experience in the south of the Yangtze River, began to carry out economic construction in the south of the Yangtze River. He adopted the legal policies of cleaning up the local officials, abolishing the harsh policies, selecting meritocracy, doing business and benefiting the people, which further promoted the development of the economy and culture in the south, and realized the regional governance in the turbulent times.


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