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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721




A Look at the Recovery of World Trade from Container Ports

DOI: 10.12677/BGlo.2023.111003, PP. 16-21

Keywords: 港口,集装箱,贸易复苏,新冠肺炎疫情
, Container, Trade Recovery, Coronavirus Pandemic

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The economies of various countries or regions in the world are experiencing different degrees of impact from the new crown pneumonia epidemic, but at the same time, global trade is also striving to recover, gradually restoring orderly international trade on the basis of promoting free trade. International commodity trade mainly depends on container shipping, so port container handling data is one of the important indicators of global trade. The recovery situation varies from country to country, but the overall recovery continues to continue. Asian exports grew stronger, while Europe and the United States were weaker and imported more, but there were many port congestions. Global trade has gradually increased, driven by positive factors such as the easing of lockdown measures, the implementation of vaccine development and vaccination, and the widespread development of economic activities.


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