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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721




Progress in Biodiversity Research in China

DOI: 10.12677/WJF.2023.121007, PP. 50-60

Keywords: 生物多样性,物种编目,信息化,生态安全
, Species Cataloging, Informatization, Ecological Security

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China is very rich in biological resources and occupies a unique position in global biodiversity research. In recent decades, China has attached great importance to biodiversity research work, and Chinese scholars have published a large num-ber of biodiversity-related research literature. Based on the summary of the connotation of biodi-versity, this paper compares the main progress and points out the shortcomings of the development stage of biodiversity research, biodiversity cataloging, biodiversity informatization and ecological security in China through literature analysis. On this basis, we propose the outlook of biodiversity research, including strengthening the application of new technologies and methods in biodiversity research, comprehensively improving the biodiversity big data platform, providing data support for biodiversity conservation and strengthening international cooperation, and actively leading inter-national programs and projects.


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