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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721




Perspectives and Reflections on Campus Landscape Research Hotspots in China and Abroad—Based on Bibliometrics and Visualization

DOI: 10.12677/IJE.2023.121002, PP. 9-20

Keywords: 校园景观,文献计量,研究热点,国内外
Campus Tourism
, Bibliometric Analysis, Research Hotspots, China and Abroad

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基于Web of Science核心合集和中国知网(CNKI) 1978~2022年间收录的352篇主题为“校园景观”的国内外文献,从数据来源、文献基本特征、关键词词频、词频数演变、关键词共现五方面入手,尝试运用文献计量与VOSviewer可视化,透视国内外校园景观研究热点并思考。研究发现:国外学者着力探索校园景观深层内涵,善于剖析校园景观显隐性价值,人本主义研究色彩浓厚;国内学者重视校园景观规划设计,倾向挖掘校园景观资源价值、文化内涵,重在探索校园景观实用价值与意义。研究得出:校园景观特殊性是校园景观研究的基础、人地关系研究是校园景观研究的本质特征。
This research is based on the 352 domestic and international publications on the theme of campus landscape collected in the WOS (Web of Science) core collection and CNKI (Chinese National Knowledge Infrastructure) from 1978 to 2022. The study attempts to use bibliometrics and VOSviewer visualization to look into the hotspots of campus landscape research in China and abroad and reflect on them, starting from Data sources, Basic Characteristics of Literature, Keyword Frequency, Evolution of Keyword Frequency, and Co-occurrence of Keywords. The study found that: foreign scholars focus on exploring the deeper connotation of the campus landscape. They are good at analyzing the explicit and implicit value of the campus landscape and have a strong sense of humanistic research. Chinese scholars attach importance to campus landscape planning and design, tend to explore the value of campus landscape resources and cultural connotation, and focus on exploring the practical value and significance of campus landscape. The study concludes that the special characteristics of campus landscape are the foundation of campus landscape research, and the study of the human-land relationship is the essential feature of campus landscape research.


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