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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721




Construction and Application of Post-Construction Evaluation Index System of National Wetland Park under the “Dual Carbon” Goal

DOI: 10.12677/IJE.2023.121014, PP. 111-121

Keywords: “双碳”目标,国家湿地公园,后评价指标体系,湿地碳汇能力
“Dual Carbon” Goal
, National Wetland Park, The Post-Evaluation Index System, Wetland Carbon Sink Capacity

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Wetland is a natural ecosystem with the fastest carbon accumulation rate on land. It has excellent carbon sink ability and is an important “carbon storage” and “carbon absorber”. Protecting wetland resources is an effective way to achieve the goal of “dual carbon” goal. National Wetland Park is an innovative practice and an important starting point for wetland protection and restoration in our country. However, due to the late start, it is still in the stage of exploration and improvement, and the evaluation index system of wetland park is also set around the pilot acceptance. For the normalization assessment, the indicators representing effective management, sustainable use and carbon sink capacity are not perfect. In this paper, for the first time, the index of wetland ecosystem carbon sink capacity is included in the post-construction evaluation index system of National Wetland Park, and 6 first-level indicators and 27 second-level indicators are explored, which are composed of planning and plan implementation, wetland resource protection, science populariza-tion education and archives management, institution construction and system guarantee, sus-tainable utilization and wetland carbon sink capacity. The evaluation and application are carried out by taking Jiangsa National Wetland Park for example.


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