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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721




Jinjiang Analysis of the Dominant Wind and Solar Wind

DOI: 10.12677/AMS.2023.101003, PP. 22-31

Keywords: 主导风,海陆风,有效天,海陆风日, Solar Wind, Effective Day, Solar Wind

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利用晋江2010~2014年自动气象站小时风速和风向观测资料,对风要素的观测数据进行质量控制,定义有效天并且在风速矢量分解的基础上确定了海陆风日海陆风的局地上限风速。筛选出海陆风日分析了晋江市主导风和海陆风。结果显示,主导风月变化表现为全年大多数月份受到东北风的影响,最大平均风速出现在春季和秋季。在四季中,夏季平均风速相对于其他季节小。晋江市城区的静风频率低。海陆风的日变化特征表现为:晋江市的海陆风出现最多的月份为秋季,夏季海陆风频率全年最低。夏季陆风变海风的时间在9 (10)~22 (23)点,冬季在10 (13)~20 (23)点;而海风变陆风的时间夏季在0~8点,冬季在22 (23)~10 (12)点从主要月份海陆风日的风场变化看,海陆风日风向变化特征没有明显的季节差异,海陆风向的变化基本一致。夏季和冬季海陆风出现时间和持续时间有所差异。夏季海风持续时间较长,而陆风持续时间较短;冬季海陆风持续短,海风持续时间短,而陆风持续时间较长。
Use of Jinjiang automatic meteorological station from 2010 to 2014 hours of wind speed and wind observation data, the factors of wind observation data quality control, define the effective day and on the basis of the velocity vector decomposition determines the solar wind, solar wind of local maximum wind speed. Screening out land breeze, analyzes Jinjiang dominant wind and solar wind. Results show that the leading romantic change performance for the year in most affected by the northeaster, maximum average wind speed in spring and autumn. In the four seasons, summer season average wind speed, relative to other small. Jinjiang City is of low frequen-cy no wind. The diurnal variation of the solar wind is shown as: the Jinjiang solar wind appears in the most for the autumn and summer sun wind frequency lowest throughout the year. land breeze variable winds in the summer time in 9 (10)~22 (23), winter in 10 (13)~20 (23); summer but wind land breeze time on 0 to 8 points, winter in 22 (23) to 10 (12) month from the main wind field changes the solar wind days, the solar wind, the wind characteristics had no obvious seasonal dif-ference, and the solar wind to change. The summer and winter sun wind appear time and duration. Summer wind duration is longer, the classical short duration; winter solar wind continues to short, short duration of the wind and the land breeze a longer duration.


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