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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721




Antibiotic Resistance in the Uropathogenic Enterobacteria Isolated from Patients Attending General Reference Hospital (GRH) of Niamey, Niger

DOI: 10.4236/ojmm.2023.131007, PP. 78-90

Keywords: Antibiotic Resistance, Urinary Tract Infections, Enterobacteriaceae, Viteck-2, Niger

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Background: Urinary tract infections (UTIs) are a frequent reason for consultation and lead to a significant and sometimes inappropriate prescription of antibiotics. The latter favors antibiotic resistance and an increase in mortality as well as the cost of treatment. The present study aims to contribute to the fight against antibiotic resistance of enterobacteria. Methods: This is a prospective study from January to December, 2021 in the Microbiology laboratory of the General Reference Hospital (GRH) of Niamey including 3369 urine samples. The antibiotic resistance of enterobacteria was determined using the Viteck-2 method. Results: At least 280 strains of Enterobacteriaceae were isolated from the patients urine. Among these strains, Escherichia coli was the most predominant (74.64%), followed by Klebsiella pneumoniae (16.07%) and Enterobacter cloacae (7.14%) and other enterobacteria 2.15%. These Enterobacteriaceae are more common in community patients than in hospitalized patients. The average age of patients is 52 years and the age group most affected by these enterobacteria is 46 - 60 years (23.33%). The female sex is the most affected sex with (51.07%) against (48.97%) for the male sex with 1.04 as sex ratio. The hospitalization departments most affected by these enterobacteria are Nephrology (29.23%) and Endocrinology (21.54%). Up to 75% of the Enterobacteriaceae isolates show high resistance to ampicillin, amoxicillin-clavulanic acid, ticarcillin, piperacillin-tazobactam, cefoxitin, cefixime, ceftazidime, ceftriaxone, cotrimoxazole, nalidixic acid and ofloxacin. Conclusion: The high rate of antibiotic resistance among enterobacteria in urine is of concern. Only a few Enterobacteriaceae show low resistance to ertapenem, imipenem, amikacin, gentamicin, fosfomycin and nitrofurantoin. Therefore, these antibiotics are recommended as first line treatment for urinary tract infections.


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