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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721




Shared Memory Semi-Implicit Solver for Hydrodynamical Instability Processes

DOI: 10.4236/ojfd.2023.131003, PP. 32-46

Keywords: Fingering, Fluids, Simulations, Numerical Solver, Hele-Shaw Cell

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The Advection-Diffusion Reaction (ADR) equation appears in many problems in nature. This constitutes a general model that is useful in various scenarios, from porous media to atmospheric processes. Particularly, it is used at the interface between two fluids where different types of instabilities due to surface mobility may appear. Together with the ADR equation, the Darcy-Brinkman model describes the phenomena known as fingering that appear in different contexts. The study of this type of system gains in complexity when the number of chemical species dissolved in both fluids increases. With more solutes, the increasing complexity of this phenomenon generally requires much computational power. To face the need for more computational resources, we build a solver tool based on an Alternating Direction Implicit (ADI) scheme that can be run in Central Processing Unit (CPU) and Graphic Processing Unit (GPU) architectures on any notebook. The implementation is done using the MATLAB platform to compare both versions. It is shown that using the GPU version strongly saves both resources and calculation times.


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