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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721




Soil Erodibility Rates through a Hydraulic Flume Erosometer: Test Assembly and Results in Sandy and Clayey Soils

DOI: 10.4236/ojce.2023.131011, PP. 155-170

Keywords: Erosion Rates, Procedures, Low-Cost, Criteria

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This paper presents a proposal for erodibility quantitative evaluation through a hydraulic flume based on the Inderbitzen erosion test. The equipment scheme and procedures for result calculation are described, following a review of literature. Through the proposed procedure, 24 tests are conducted, in order to study the erodibility of a sandy soil and a clayey soil, in undeformed and reconstituted conditions. These are conducted using grass roots in controlled quantities, to quantify root effects on erodibility. The results of soil loss by elapsed time and the definition of the erodibility K factor shows that clayey soil is 90% less erodible compared with sandy soil. Also, roots show no significant relationship with K factor and the undeformed sample is less erodible, compared with reconstituted sample. The test methodology and the results allowed soil classification, analytical data and comparative results between different cases.


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