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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721




A Comparative Analysis of Caffeine Extraction Efficiency from Different Tea Varieties and Its Effect on Human Physiology: A Spectrophotometric Investigation

DOI: 10.4236/ajac.2023.143008, PP. 134-148

Keywords: Caffeine, Tea Shrubberies, Separation, Health Impacts, Spectrophotometry

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The current work imitates the trivial method which intricates the abstraction along with classification of caffeine accessible in variability of decoction shrubberies which are expended in two different states of India (Telengana & Uttar Pradesh). As per observation individuals of both the states are identical tender of consumption of tea. Abstraction progression tangled variability of stages which are discoursed in the work. In addition, the outcome of drinking of caffeine or the permitted ingestion of caffeine over tea has also been conferred through the work and linked the data with the literature data. In this study, we used a UV-visible spectrophotometer as well as liquid-liquid extraction method to determine the caffeine content in various tea samples. The significance of this study lies in the fact that accurate determination of caffeine content is essential for quality control and labeling of tea products. The UV-visible spectrophotometer method was found to be simple, reliable, and sensitive for the detection of caffeine in tea samples.


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