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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721




Advances in Studies Related to Sexual Dimorphism in Anura

DOI: 10.12677/OJFR.2023.101004, PP. 31-36

Keywords: 两性异形,无尾目,宏观,生理,分子
Sexual Dimorphism
, Anura, Macroscopic, Physiology, Molecule

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Sexual dimorphism is common in amphibians, mainly manifested in body shape, body color, voice capsule, marriage pad, skin keratin spines, song, environmental cognition, etc. These differences play a certain role in their life history. In this paper, the differences between females and males of Amphibian Anura are summarized in terms of external morphological characteristics, physiological and biochemical characteristics, and molecular level, with emphasis on the study of sexual dimorphism in Anura, Dicroglossinae, Quasipaa, Quasipaa spinosa.


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